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Things You Must See on a Visit to Berlin

Things You Must See on a Visit to Berlin

Places not to be missed in Berlin!

The capital of Germany, Berlin has a rich history. It is
strewn with sites of significant historical events, and a
great deal of architectural grandeur. There are many things
to do and see in Berlin that include eating, entertainment,
drinking and sightseeing. If you are going to Berlin for
sightseeing, there are five things you must not miss.

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe: This memorial was
opened to the public in May 2005. It is conveniently located
near downtown Berlin and has an easy access to public
transportation. It is a reminder of the atrocities done to
people during the Second World War. It dauntingly reminds us
that the same could happen again if we forget the screams of

East Side Gallery:

This remnant of the Berlin wall
stands flushed in colors contrasting the surrounding
cityscape. This mile long stretch is the longest portion of
the wall that still remains. It bears endless piece of
artwork on it. Several emotional and political statements
also mark its face. These statements induce strong feelings
amongst not just the city people but also in the hearts of
those who come to see it from all across the world.

Charlottenburg Palace is a stunning example of Baroque
architecture. The grounds are equally delightful as well. It
was built in the late 17th Century as the summer residence
for Sophie Charlotte. You may not require a guided tour to
see some of the luxurious rooms, but you must take a tour to
see all of the splendid sights. You will get information
sheets in other languages although the tour is in German.

St. Nicholas Church.

This church is very old, and an
excellent example of the changes that can take place over
the centuries. Throughout history different features have
been added, including a presbytery and two ornamental
towers. It was hit during World War II, and remains
un-restored and partially ruined as a testament to the
destruction of war. It provided the setting for the 1307
agreement that united the two settlements that became.

Brecht Weigel Museum.

This is a house that was the home of
playwright Bertolt Brecht and his actress wife Helene
Weigel. The house is an interesting tour, as it gives
history of the Berliner Ensemble, and “epic theater”
company. Additionally, it is a good source of interesting
information of the Berlin theatrical scene (especially
since it is located in East Berlin) and includes hundreds
of thousands of manuscripts and a collection of printed
works. A restaurant, the Keller, is located downstairs and
offers good food.

Potsdam’s Gardens.

These gardens are not actually located
in Berlin, but are located not too far from the city, only
about 25 minutes away by the S-Bahn (the train), in a town
called Potsdam. There are many beautiful gardens to see,
and the day can be spent relaxing and enjoying the
beautiful sights and fragrant smells.

There is plenty more to see in Berlin, but there are some
things, of historical and cultural value, as well as near
Berlin, that should just not be missed.